Book Tea!

Since January 2012, I’ve received invitations to book teas, held in private homes, where the featured guest is the recently published book. One of my friends with a gorgeous house offered to give one for my book, Falling Women and Other Stories, published by Shelfstealers. My book tea was held on a Saturday afternoon this July. We had savory as well as sweet snacks and a variety of beverages.

My guest list focused on those who had been supportive of me and my literary pursuits through the years. I wanted to give a big hug to my nurturing communities, specifically where I teach, Marymount University and the Writer’s Center, and my colleagues and students there. I also wanted to thank my husband and son, both of whom brought friends. More than fifty people attended. The tea lasted two hours. About an hour in, I read from Falling Women and took questions. I did a book signing and sold out of books.

The idea behind a book tea is to start some buzz about the book. I’m lucky to have such terrific friends as Kathleen and Dick, our hosts.

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