Recent Books by Ellen Herbert

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Winner of the Maryland Writer's Association 2014 Novel Award
Published by Apprentice House
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Published by Shelfstealers
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The People in the Box

On February 17, Dan and I, groggy and jet lagged, landed in Madrid and checked into our hotel in the Atocha section of the city. We were trying to stay awake, in order to get on Spanish time. We planned…Continue Reading →

In the Time We Have Left

Two years ago, I sat at a table in Cafe Kindred waiting for my first date of 2018. When a man with the bluest blue eyes and knuckle-deep dimples came in, I got up and asked him, “Are you…Continue Reading →

She Had Me at Meow

On the Friday before Labor Day, 2016, I drove to the Fairfax County Animal Shelter on Ox Road. I had gotten home from Paris two days before. That first night home I crashed into a deep sleep after my nine…Continue Reading →

Through His Eyes

London rushes at me. Not like the first time, of course. For I am almost 20 years older and have seen more of the world than I had in 2001 when I first beached up on this shore. Still the…Continue Reading →

The Summer Before the World Changed

In 2001, I won a fiction grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. Small victories like winning this grant keep a writer going. After rejoicing, I worried. The $4000 grant was taxpayer money. How could I put it to…Continue Reading →

We Mysterians, Readers with Stamina

For the month of February, One More Page Books’ Mystery/Suspense Book Club read Nelson DeMille’s The Charm School, a hefty 757 pages long! At our meeting, I had the nerve to bring up for discussion DeMille’s “Author’s Foreword” as well….Continue Reading →

You Were So Wonderful I Hate to See You Go

Alone and cold: this is the way I spent New Year’s Eve 2017. A few days earlier my furnace had broken, while the weather turned icy. Temperatures plummeted below freezing. Unfortunately my heating company could not install a new furnace…Continue Reading →